Berawal dari stucknya proses update versi cPanel/WHM 11.40 padahal pada Tier RELEASE sudah tersedia versi 11.46.

Pesan errornya kurang lebih seperti dibawah ini:

[20141122.074754] Testing if the newly downloaded RPMS can be installed without conflict
[20141122.074754] Testing RPM transaction
[20141122.074756] error: Failed dependencies:
[20141122.074756] MySQL-client is needed by cpanel-php54-horde-5.1.4-1.cp1142.noarch
[20141122.074756] MySQL-server is needed by cpanel-php54-horde-5.1.4-1.cp1142.noarch
[20141122.074756] MySQL-client is needed by cpanel-php54-webmail-5.1.1-1.cp1142.noarch
[20141122.074756] MySQL-server is needed by cpanel-php54-webmail-5.1.1-1.cp1142.noarch
[20141122.074756] W Exit Code: 192
[20141122.074756] ***** FATAL: Test install failed: error: Failed dependencies:
[20141122.074756] MySQL-client is needed by cpanel-php54-horde-5.1.4-1.cp1142.noarch
[20141122.074756] MySQL-server is needed by cpanel-php54-horde-5.1.4-1.cp1142.noarch
[20141122.074756] MySQL-client is needed by cpanel-php54-webmail-5.1.1-1.cp1142.noarch
[20141122.074756] MySQL-server is needed by cpanel-php54-webmail-5.1.1-1.cp1142.noarch
[20141122.074756] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
[20141122.074756] ***** FATAL: Error testing if the RPMs will install: Died at /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updatenow.static-cpanelsync line 14065.
[20141122.074756] see for more information
[20141122.074756] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes

Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran, ternyata hal ini karena server menggunakan CloudLinux dan MariaDB. Ada ketidakcocokan antara update MariaDB dengan Cloudlinux sehingga menimbulkan error tersebut.

Untuk antisipasi hal tersebut berikut cara untuk mengantisipasinya:

yum update governor-mysql --enablerepo=cloudlinux-updates-testing 
/usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/ --install

perintah diatas adalah untuk memastikan governor-mysql sudah yang terbaru.

Langkah selanjutnya adalah lakukan update cpanel secara manual bisa dari WHM atau dari terminal/console


Catatan:  dari versi 11.40  maka WHM/cPanel akan upgrade ke 11.44, dan untuk  upgrade berikutnya 11.46 pastikan Microsoft® FrontPage® telah diuninstall.

The server cannot upgrade to cPanel & WHM version 11.46 because Microsoft® FrontPage® is installed. Use WHM’s Uninstall FrontPage Extensions interface (Home >> FrontPage >> Uninstall FrontPage Extensions) to remove FrontPage.

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